Hi guys,its Charmzura 😊 Im gonna write about Captain America today.
If i had to describe this movie with one word,that would be disappointment 😕 To be honest im not really a huge fan of Captain. He is always so... I don't know how to describe it actually but i can say he is always incredibly,boringly honorable. It is so much that sometimes it annoys me. Go and do something fun dude! But no,he is too calm for that 😒
But look at Tony! He is much more better than him 😃 Im an Iron Man fan till the end,as you can understand 😅 He is spontaneous, amusing, sarcastic and really unpredictable 😍 I have watched the movie for him. And i can honestly say that Captain America kinda betrayed him 😡
Steve we know is not exist in this movie;he is rising against government and starting a damn war by defending Bucky aka Winter Soldier. I admit that he was innocent and needed protection but there were better ways to do it. With that incident Avengers splits up.
Im really surprised how two groups divided. I would never expect Black Widow to be Tony's side or fight against Hawkeye. And Spider-Man was another surprise factor 😃
Everything is beginning with some explosions and person who did this putting the blame on Winter Soldier. Who is buying plums at a bazaar 😃 Then shit hits the fan because at second explosion guy is killing the King of the country. (One little spoiler, king-and after his death prince-is the Black Panther)
They are capturing Bucky and a lawyer is coming to see him. But he is our real bad guy 😧 He is doing something and while there is a black out he is reprogramming Bucky's mind and learning some very important things from him. Something that can destroy Avengers and Tony... Then he disappears. After that little thing that they call af fight 😒, Captain and Bucky are going after him to Siberia. But our loyal,trustworthy Tony is going after them to help 😢
There is a surprise waiting for them at Siberia;that prick is not planning to fight against them. He is planning to make them fight against each other and the kill. He kinda achieved his purpose, though.
He had learned something from Bucky,remember? That was an assassination from 1995. The one Bucky had done. Guess who he had killed. Any ideas? No? Then let me tell you: That was Howard Stark my dear friends and he is making Tony,Steve and Bucky watch that tape. You can imagine what follows this. He is making his escape while Tony is attacking to Bucky and Steve defending him 😒 Like he needs help.
Whatever,right before he kills himself, Black Panther is showing up and knocking him out to deliver to the authorities.
Inside the building,fight still continues. Both Steve and Bucky is attacking to Tony and then defending themselves. When Tony asks Steve if he knew about this, Steve says that he knew they didn't die because of car accident but and assassination,but he didn't know who had done it. After that Tony goes incredibly mad (very understandable ) and of course feels betrayed. At some point Tony managed to knock Bucky out but Steve threw himself between them and said those words : "He is my friend" What Tony said in return is probably the most effective sentence of the movie. "So was i..." I felt incredibly bad for him at that moment but it passed quickly because they started to fight. At aome point i began to think that Steve was gonna kill him but thank goodness he stopped right before it happened. Then he took his friend and ran. He left Tony at there alone and without his power source.
Movie was making Steve look like he was right despite he was wrong. And fight scenes were really very few. Movie was not that hectic,unfortunately.
So i can say that i wouldn't watch it second time. You can watch it just to know what happened between Tony and Steve but except that there is not much to watch 😕
I wish you all a good night fellas 😊 Hope you enjoyed my post 😊
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