Hey guys,how are you? It has been heck of a month for me! 😃 Some of yours' school opened but i have still two beautiful days before starting to marathon again... I hope you guys are enjoying your new semester so far. 😊
Okay,let's have a look the book,then. 😃 I don't know if you ever heard of Storm and Silence before but i can tell you that i haven't. 😃 Not until i find it on Wattpad. I can't read books for over a month and somehow if i do,i read it on Wattpad. This was partially why i couldn't post anything last month. But when i had found out that this book is not just a story on Wattpad, but it also has paper copies, i said to myself 'that's it! Im going to write something about this book...' And here we are 😃
At first i thought Storm and Silence is one of those books about macho boss and a secretary. I was right. But also not. 😃 This story is about a chauvinist boss and a 'female' secretary in 19th century. Yes,you read it right. 😃 I can genuinely tell you that this is not an ordinary book. No,it is really funny,full of action, unexpected and well written book...
We have a Lillian/Lilly Linton here. (Or Victor,pick the one you like 😃) A feminist. Yes really a feminist at those era,a fiery one. 😃 She thinks that men and women should be equals,in every possible way. Working,voting,especially being free. So she decides to steal her uncle's suit and go to use a vote. Doesn't matter she is not allowed. 😃 But right before entering the building, she hears something and decides to interfere. And that earns her a job! But in a man's suit,don't forget that tiny little fact. Then she goes in,gets caught and she passes right in front of her soon to be employer. Of course he did understand that guy is a she,actually. 😃 After two days of thinking,she decides to go and take her chance anyway.
And this brings us to her employer; Mr Rikkard Ambrose. Very impressive name,i think. 😍 He is a stone cold,incredibly hard,SO very silent and a very strict man. Now please take a moment to imagine. Do you think this man,Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, would give a woman chance to work for him while no one else does? Of course not. So when she comes to his office,he refuses her immediately. But Lilly is not an easy one. She is cornering him with some accusations that very hard to swallow for Mr Ambrose.
So he gives in,finally. But with one tiny miny... Of course not tiny,with a very important and huge condition: She will dress like a man. Trousers and tailcoats, i mean. Not woman dresses anymore. He thinks this condition is going to scare her off-scare enough not to come back. But,man... He is so very wrong, this is Lilly we are talking about here. 😃 She comes back in men's clothes and starts working for a very stunned and equally annoyed Mr Ambrose.
After that,so many things are happening. I can't really choose what to say because everything is connected to each other very much and i don't want to ruin that excitement when you are reading. But if i have to mention it shortly,things are not the way you expect them to be. You will be surprised very much,i mean Lilly/Victor did. 😃 Our beloved Mr Ambrose is not just a manager of a company. He is 'the' manager,he manages everything. He plays in every ground. And not in a very legal way 😎
As you can imagine, Lilly gets involved in all these things, too. But the thing is,she is not scared of,not at all. She is kind of a modern day woman. Her spirit belongs to this era. 😃
At the end of the book,i swore to the author,to be honest. But in my defense,i didn't know there was a sequel and i thought he just simply kiiled Mr Ambrose. Okay i gave you a little teaser,i know. But still,there is no way,you will be able to know what happened until that point. So it not much big of a teaser,i guess. 😅
So now,i can say that i am sorry to swore him that much just for nothing. 😃 And i can also say that you have to read Storm and Silence and know those fascinating characters. You will like it and you will enjoy it, i can assure you...
Take care of yourselves. 😊😊